Equitable Costs

My sessions costs are on a sliding scale, using the Green Bottle method. If you feel you need to use the sliding scale, I ask that you thoughtfully assess what tier you are on, have a conversation with me about your conclusion, and pay for sessions accordingly.

If you have extenuating circumstances that aren’t reflected in the tiers, please talk with me about it.

Telehealth (60 minute session)

Tier 1: $60
Tier 2: $100
Tier 3: $140

Tier 1: $80
Tier 2: $120
Tier 3: $160
**Requires refundable deposit of $200 for neurofeedback device rental

Tier 1: $300
Tier 2: $500
Tier 3: $700

Telehealth w/ Neurofeedback
Psychedelic Support Bundle
(6 sessions)

From Radical History Club: A capitalist system determines our financial access and value by race, perceived gender identity, disability/ability, immigration status, and/or primary language among many other systems of imposed hierarchy. There is no exact formula that determines what each of us can afford, because income is not the only determining factor. For example, your relationship to money might also be affected by being a caregiver, your access to generational wealth, and/or costs related to a disability.

A sliding scale is used to encourage people to pay according to their available resources. Those with greater financial capacity contribute more, allowing those with less access to pay according to their means. This allows the business to sustain its services while making accessibility as broad as possible.

If you need to pay less, please let me know so that we can talk about it. In the words of Britt Hawthorne, poverty is a condition that governments and employers insist on maintaining. You are not poor because you did not work hard. You are not poor because you are not intelligent. You are not poor because you chose to be.